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 FSSP - FSSPX : même combat : Un DVD pour la messe

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

FSSP - FSSPX : même combat : Un DVD pour la messe Empty
MessageSujet: FSSP - FSSPX : même combat : Un DVD pour la messe   FSSP - FSSPX : même combat : Un DVD pour la messe EmptyVen 23 Mar - 11:57

Les deux Fraternités y vont de leurs DVDs en faveur des "prêtres conciliaires" pour la célébration de la Messe Tridentine.
Quelle "Frat" a copié l'autre ??? Ou tout ceci ne serait-il pas coordonné à un échelon supérieur ??? Twisted Evil
En tout cas, le RP Pierre-Marie d'Avrillé va avoir du boulot pour nous dire si chaque "prêtre conciliaire" qui va pouvoir célébrer la messe tridentine est réellement prêtre ou non...
Bizarrement, on entend aucune réaction d'Avrillé sur le kit de la Rocque et les conséquences de l'opération DVD... Evil or Very Mad



For Immediate Distribution – March 11, 2007

UVA Launches Priest Training Workshops

Joint Effort with FSSP to Train Priests
to Celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass

Una Voce America is pleased to announce a collaborative program
with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) designed to provide
training for any priest interested in learning how to celebrate the
traditional Latin Mass.

"This program may be the most important effort we've undertaken,"
said UVA director Jason King recently. "We're grateful to the Fraternity
for its generous support of this project."

Training will take place in June 2007 at Our Lady of Guadalupe
seminary in Denton, Nebraska, which is located in the diocese of
Lincoln. The workshop will last for one week and will be repeated
three times (the first, second and fourth weeks of June). Each session
will begin on a Monday at noon and end Friday at noon of that week.
A priest need only attend one of the three sessions, as the same
material will be covered in each one.

The FSSP will be responsible for curriculum and instruction, while
UVA will assume primary responsibility for funding and promoting the

Over a year in the making

UVA's board of directors began actively discussing the concept of
priest training in early 2006, King said. Preparations accelerated
last fall amid speculation that Pope Benedict XVI was planning
to grant greater freedom for celebration of the Mass according to
the 1962 Roman Missal.

"We felt this presented a historic opportunity for the nation's
largest lay organization supporting the traditional Latin Mass --
Una Voce America -- to collaborate with a clerical religious institute
whose priests actually use the 1962 Missal -- the Priestly Fraternity
of St. Peter," King stated.

He explained that most if not all American seminarians study only
the modern liturgy that became normative following the Second
Vatican Council. This has left a gap in knowledge of preconciliar
liturgy that the priest training program will begin to address.

According to King, both Una Voce and the Priestly Fraternity of St.
Peter view the faithful's devotion to the Latin liturgical tradition as
a "unique charism in support of the new evangelization
championed by Pope John Paul II -- a charism that is ever ancient,
yet ever new."

Week-long intensive training at Nebraska seminary

The Rev. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP, will be the Fraternity's contact
point for interested clergy. He explained that the seminary has
prepared a detailed curriculum (with books and an instructional
and has designated priests and deacons to teach and assist.

According to Fr. Goodwin, the workshops will cover not only the
rubrics but also the liturgical principles underlying the rubrics.

"Priests will learn not only how far to raise their hands and how
to pronounce the Latin, for example, but how the various gestures
and prayers fit into the liturgical prayer of the Church, and reflect the
Faith itself," Fr. Goodwin said.

"No prior experience with the traditional Mass is needed, and the
course is open to all priests regardless of their level of Latin
proficiency, " he emphasized. "In fact, our instructors are eager to
work even with those priests who have no previous Latin training at

Fr. Goodwin added that the curriculum, although very intensive, was
designed specifically to accommodate today's busy clergy.

"It's often difficult for priests to learn these things from a
video or book in their spare time -- they're pulled in a thousand
different directions in their parishes," Fr. Goodwin explained.
"Here at the seminary, without distractions, they will be able to
ask questions and get the answers and encouragement they need," he

UVA to make financial aid available

Cost for the program will depend on the number of participants, but
is estimated at $300 per priest. This sum will cover all course
materials, which the priest may keep, as well as room and board for
the week of the priest's stay. Una Voce America has offered to
help any priest who needs financial assistance.

"Una Voce America is committed to raising sufficient funds to
enable every interested priest to receive instruction on the proper
celebration of the traditional Latin Mass," King said.

Una Voce America and the Priestly Fraternity expect to offer
the PTP sessions on a periodic basis in the future. They also will
establish a waiting list for priests who are unable to attend one of
the June 2007 sessions or who cannot be accommodated by the limited
space available in the initial sessions.

UVA is calling on its chapters, affiliates, and individual members
to support this effort with prayers and financial contributions.
Those who wish to support this program financially can send
donations to Una Voce-Syracuse, PO Box 993, Oswego NY 13126.
Checks should be designated for "priest training."

Program will support Vatican initiative

Although the priest training program was inspired in part by
numerous reports that Pope Benedict XVI intends to free the
traditional Latin Mass from the restrictions that now prevent its
widespread celebration, UVA doesn't want to "presume too much on
his decision," commented R. Michael Dunnigan, chairman of the

Nonetheless, he added, "The Holy Father has been a courageous and
eloquent defender of the traditional Mass, and if his will is to
grant wider access to it, then we certainly want to do our part to
promote the conditions that will help to achieve this goal."

Some bishops and other critics have opposed freedom for the
traditional Mass, expressing concern that priests lacking adequate
training may celebrate the Mass improperly. Dunnigan believes that
these fears are misplaced.

"In addition to being sacramental ministers, priests are skilled
professionals who take pride in their work," he said. "As a result,
very few would be inclined to celebrate this Mass in public before
they are fully prepared to do so."

In any event, Dunnigan pointed out that the priest training program
sponsored by UVA and the FSSP is a cause that both proponents and
critics of the traditional Mass can support.

"To the extent that the critics argue in favor of proper training,
the traditionalist community fully supports this goal," Dunnigan said.
"In fact, the very mission of the priest training program is to ensure
that every priest who wishes to celebrate this Mass will receive
the instruction that he needs to do so properly and reverently."

To receive more information or to make a reservation, interested
priests should contact Fr. Goodwin at (402) 797-7700 or email: or write to: Attn: Mass Workshops, O.L.G.
Seminary, P.O. Box 147, Denton, NE. 68339.

Priests in need of aid may inquire in confidence to UVA,
c/o Mr. Jason King, PO Box 1146, Bellevue, WA 98009-1146.
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