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 Orthodoxes ukrainiens: quelle union ?

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Orthodoxes ukrainiens: quelle union ? Empty
MessageSujet: Orthodoxes ukrainiens: quelle union ?   Orthodoxes ukrainiens: quelle union ? EmptyVen 30 Mar - 1:09


On se souvient que dans l'euphorie qui avait suivi la Révolution orange, l'idée d'unifier les orthodoxes rattachés au patriarcat de Moscou (35 millions, regroupés en une église autonome) à l'Eglise autocéphale de Kiev paraissait promise à un brillant avenir.
Récemment, une association Une Eglise nationale pour l'Ukraine avait été créée, avec à sa tête le frère du Président Viktor Yushchenko en personne, Petro Yushchenko, député au Parlement.
Les projets de cette association ont néanmoins fait l'objet d'une fin de non-recevoir de la part de l'Eglise orthodoxe ukrainienne-patriarcat de Moscou, qui rejette les "schismatiques" de l'Eglise autocéphale.

risu a écrit:

Orthodox (UOC-MP) in Vinnytsia Oppose “A National Church for Ukraine”
26.03.2007, [18:22] // UOC-MP //

Vinnytsia – Faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) in central Ukraine’s Vinnytsia Region oppose the activities of the civic organization A National Church for Ukraine. They wrote this in a letter to Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan), head of the UOC-MP. posted the news on 26 March 2007.

In their letter, the UOC-MP faithful of Vinnytsia ask the metropolitan “to prevent the interference of the social political organization A National Church for Ukraine in internal church affairs… No unification with the schismatics is possible unless they sincerely and deeply repent and return to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church [UOC-MP] in accordance with canonical rules,” reads the letter.

Source and previous related RISU news:



Le rapprochement avec Moscou tend même à se préciser , au point de remetter en cause le statut de l'église autonome. Où l'on voit qu'en Ukraine, un an après l'échec de la Révolution orange et le retour aux affaires de Yanukovich, l'organisation du clergé est étroitement liée avec les aléas politiques.

risu a écrit:

All-Ukrainian Community Calls for Union with Russian Orthodox
27.03.2007, [16:04] // UOC-MP //

Kyiv – More than 200 Orthodox delegates from 22 regions of Ukraine gathered in Kyiv on 24 March 2007 in order to protect their church and support the union of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) with the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). The All-Ukrainian Congress of the Orthodox Community of Ukraine was held with the blessing of Metropolitan Volodymyr (Sabodan), head of the UOC-MP, and organized by the All-Ukrainian Brotherhood of Alexander Nevsky (AUBAN).

“The participants unanimously adopted a resolution in defense of the firm position of the hierachy of the UOC[-MP], which rejected the unprecedented proposal of President Yushchenko and opposed the interference of the government and politicians in church affairs. The resolution underlines the need to strengthen the canonical union of the [UOC-MP] with the [ROC], as the guarantee of the successful life of the church in a non-Orthodox Ukrainian state. The participants of the All-Ukrainian Congress adopted a statement which opposes the involvement of Ukraine in NATO, since this aggressive Western military bloc is hostile to the Orthodox Eastern Slavic peoples. In addition, an address to all Orthodox faithful and the whole Ukrainian nation was adopted, [asking them] to participate in a social referendum and answer the questions ‘Do you support Ukraine’s course to NATO?’ and ‘Do you support Ukraine’s course to a Single Economic Space?’” So reads the report of the AUBAN.
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