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 Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006   Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006 EmptyVen 20 Oct - 1:42


Hall of Popes
Thursday, 12 October 2006

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to welcome to the Vatican the delegation of the Anti-Defamation League. On many occasions you visited my predecessor Pope John Paul II, and I am happy to continue to meet representative groups of the Jewish people.

In our world today, religious, political, academic and economic leaders are being seriously challenged to improve the level of dialogue between peoples and between cultures. To do this effectively requires a deepening of our mutual understanding and a shared dedication to building a society of ever greater justice and peace. We need to know each other better and, on the strength of that mutual discovery, to build relationships not just of tolerance but of authentic respect. Indeed, Jews, Christians and Muslims share many common convictions, and there are numerous areas of humanitarian and social engagement in which we can and must cooperate.

The Second Vatican Council’s Declaration Nostra Aetate reminds us that the Jewish roots of Christianity oblige us to overcome the conflicts of the past and to create new bonds of friendship and collaboration. It affirms in particular that the Church deplores all forms of hatred or persecution directed against the Jews and all displays of anti-Semitism at any time and from any source (cf. No. 4). The four decades since the Declaration have brought many positive advances, and they have also witnessed some early steps, perhaps still too tentative, towards a more open conversation on religious themes. It is precisely at this level of frank exchange and dialogue that we will find the basis and the motivation for a solid and fruitful relationship.

May the Eternal One, our Father in heaven, bless every effort to eliminate from our world any misuse of religion as an excuse for hatred or violence. May He bless all of you, your families and your communities.

Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006 Popebenedict2caption

Petit rappel sur l'ADL et son président Abraham Foxman

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006   Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006 EmptyVen 20 Oct - 1:46

Pope Assures ADL Leaders He Is A Moral Voice Against Anti-Semitism

New York, NY, October 12, 2006 … In a private audience today with leaders from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) at the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI issued his strongest declaration against anti-Semitism since assuming the papacy, telling the visiting delegation of Jewish leaders that he would, "be a strong, constant voice against anti-Semitism."

"I will always be there for you in fighting anti-Semitism," Pope Benedict personally assured Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, in informal words following his prepared remarks to the delegation.

"The church deplores all forms of hatred or persecution directed against the Jews and all displays of anti-Semitism at any time and from any source," the Pope said, adding that he plans to carry on the positive interfaith relationship that Jews had with Pope John Paul II.

Pope Benedict also used the meeting as an opportunity to express regret over the recent controversy surrounding his remarks on the Prophet Mohammed and Islam. He told ADL leaders that his remarks were intended as an invitation to dialogue between Islam and other religions, and that his quoting from a medieval text that characterized some of Mohammed's teachings as "evil and inhuman" was misunderstood by many in the Muslim world.

"May the Eternal One, our Father in heaven, bless every effort to eliminate from our world any misuse of religion as an excuse for hatred or violence," the Pope said. He added that the Vatican is making interfaith dialogue a top priority with an aim to, "build relationships not just of tolerance, but of authentic respect."

Mr. Foxman said: "In offering his most forceful words yet against anti-Semitism, and in expressing remorse for the reaction to his remarks about Islam, Pope Benedict has shown that he is greatly sensitive to the need for a new level of openness and dialogue among the major faiths."

Mr. Foxman, a Holocaust survivor, shared his story of being hidden by his Polish Catholic nanny, Bronislawa Kurpi, who had him baptized. Pope Benedict, in an unprecedented response, said, "You have touched my heart." A longtime Vatican expert said that it was the first time he has ever seen the Pope leave his prepared remarks to offer a personal word to a private Jewish audience.

(Intéressant : On apprend que Foxman a été baptisé par sa nourrice polonaise durant la seconde guerre mondiale).

While in Rome, the delegation of ADL leaders also met with Cardinal Walter Kasper, the president for the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and Father Norbert Hoffman, the secretary of the Vatican's Commission for Relations with Judaism. Cardinal Kasper discussed the need for fostering programs to teach the lessons of Nostra Aetate, the landmark document that repudiated the centuries-old "deicide" charge against all Jews, stressed the religious bond shared by Jews and Catholics, and reaffirmed the eternal covenant between God and the People of Israel.
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Etienne VII
Etienne VII

Nombre de messages : 687
Localisation : Mon coeur en Bretagne, mes pieds en France, mon âme au Ciel.
Date d'inscription : 03/10/2006

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MessageSujet: Pour prépare le terrain...   Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006 EmptyVen 20 Oct - 2:01

Pour prépare le terrain, une délicieuse rencontre avait eu lieu en septembre à Castel gandolfo :

Ratzinger a recu l'Anti-Defamation League le 12 Octobre 2006 Ppskissingerww3[img]
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