Gesta Dei Per Francos
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Gesta Dei Per Francos

Regnum Galliae, Regnum Mariae !
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 L'ennemi ne se trompe pas !

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Nombre de messages : 983
Localisation : Canada-français
Date d'inscription : 12/10/2006

L'ennemi ne se trompe pas ! Empty
MessageSujet: L'ennemi ne se trompe pas !   L'ennemi ne se trompe pas ! EmptyLun 19 Fév - 8:02

L'ennemi ne se trompe pas ! Rabbilevin

Voici quelques extraits du discours du rabbin Yehuda Levin à Washington dans le cadre d'une manifestation pro-vie (The march for life) le 26 janvier 2007.

“On Jan. 2 I visited the Vatican to propose a new type of ecumenism. No theology, no dialogue, no apologies … Just joining together to preserve our Godly values. Religious leaders must reclaim their leadership roles in society from the political panderers, the legislative and the judicials. [...] I might seem now to be speaking in almost a prophetic way. I have the blood of prophets in my veins. I am saying with certitude—with a logical certitude—that the group in Western Civilization and perhaps in World Civilization with the most potential to act as a catalyst for a moral counterattack, pushing back the barbarians who stand against the gates of Rome and Jerusalem . . . are Catholics. You don’t have to be a prophet to understand that, [...] And the personality whom God has placed at the top: I couldn’t have prayed, as an Orthodox Jew, for a better person. [...] Let the pope come here, he’s an outstanding champion. [...] We need you in America. We need a new ecumenical alliance."

J'espère que tout le monde les voit venir !!!
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L'ennemi ne se trompe pas ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: L'ennemi ne se trompe pas !   L'ennemi ne se trompe pas ! EmptyVen 20 Avr - 15:08

Mad et notre non-pape va droit dans la gueule du lion ! Heureusement quel issue finale sera tout autre !
Merci , mon Dieu ! cheers
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L'ennemi ne se trompe pas !
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