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 USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ???

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

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MessageSujet: USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ???   USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ??? EmptyDim 1 Avr - 0:00

Sur le forum, il est relaté l'histoire de fidèles de la FSSPX qui s'opposent à la politique de la FSSPX à propos de la messe tridentine.
En effet, aux USA comme au Royaume-uni, la FSSPX enseigne déjà la nouvelle messe à des prêtres conciliaires.
Certains fidèles se posent légitimement la question de la validité du sacerdoce de ces prêtres conciliaires... Question qui ne plaît pas du tout à certains prêtres de la FSSPX aux USA.
Voici donc le début de l'article relatant cette histoire. Son auteur est un FSSPXolâtre de première...

Citation :
An SSPX priest's homily and a line in the sand at AQ

Well, to be accurate, it wasn't during homily, it was actually before it that Father Young wanted to discuss a disturbing situation that has developed as of late.

At the Regina Coeli House (the old SSPX headquarters) the Society has been implementing a program where they are training Novus Ordo priests to provide the traditional sacraments and helping to form these priests to better understand tradition. The priests who go through the program are not in any way bound to stay with the SSPX and are free to go wherever the Lord see fit to use them. This is literally one of the best ideas since the light bulb, and it’s is sure to bear excellent fruit. The priest who has been given much of the responsibility for getting the program off the ground, Father Gardner, is exceptionally wise, intelligent and just a good, lovable priest. I personally have a great deal of affection for him and believe that SSPX higher ups couldn’t have chosen anyone better suited for the task.

What could possibly be wrong with a program that churns out traditional priests at a time when the Church in general and the SSPX in particular needs them more than ever? Read on.

For those whom make it through this program, when it comes to conditional ordinations, the SSPX looks at each priest’s particular situation on a case-by-case basis. For example, they examine who the bishop was, the rite that was used, the circumstances etc. If they think that it was possible that the priest’s ordination was invalid, then they will do a conditional ordination. If the situation doesn’t warrant it, they don’t. While we all know that there are certain dangers and inferiorities in them, and that there is certain a higher potential for form, matter and intention to be lacking, neither the SSPX nor Archbishop Lefebvre has ever purported that any of the Novus Ordo sacraments are invalid in and of themselves.

Anyway, some parishioners at another chapel approached Father Young (who is by the was, another OUTSTANDING priest) and told him that they wouldn’t be coming back to the chapel any longer because they heard that the Society was training priests who – according to these outhouse theologians – were not validly ordained. After all, they’ve learned all they need to know after getting their information from none other than “Father” Moderator at trash-central “Traditio.” What incredible nerve. With some, such as those who hold that Traditio mindset, it seems that no providential enterprise is immune to being infected by their contagion of ill-will, via the vectors of cynicism, bad thinking and lacking spirituality.

Father pointed out that Archbishop Lefebvre was a Doctor of Theology, a Doctor of Philosophy and a canon lawyer. He wondered what these people were thinking and why they didn’t speak to anyone before coming to such rash, erroneous conclusions. You could tell that he was visibly upset, even a bit hurt, by this and didn’t quite understand the whole thing. I understood though, all too well, and was quite outraged.

In my opinion, by next Sunday, the Bishop Fellay ought to instruct each chapel to pick 4 of the biggest guys in the congregation and bounce people like this out the front doors. And I mean bounce, so that they make a thumping noise when they hit the pavement outside. I realize though, that will never happen.


Notez aussi le passage classique : Mgr Lefebvre a parlé, la cause est entendue... Dès que l'on veut casser quelqu'un qui a le malheur de parler contre la ligne du parti lefebvriste, on lui sort l'argument massue de "Mgr Lefebvre a dit...".

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Louis-Hubert REMY
Louis-Hubert REMY

Nombre de messages : 317
Date d'inscription : 02/10/2006

USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ??? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ???   USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ??? EmptyDim 1 Avr - 7:35

Vous avez fait un lapsus cher Nordland.

En effet, aux USA comme au Royaume-uni, la FSSPX enseigne déjà la nouvelle messe à des prêtres conciliaires.

Il s'agit évidemment de la très sainte messe éternelle.
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USA : FSSPX : Prêtres ou laïques ???
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