(une femme torturée parce que convertie à La Foi Chrétienne!)
Estranged Islamist relatives vow to kill young wife
ISTANBUL, July 18 (Compass Direct News) – Security police in Alexandria, Egypt have
repeatedly tortured a young woman convert to Christianity in custody since Monday (July 16).
Fanatic Islamist relatives of Eman Muhammad el-Sayed, 26, attacked her two days ago while
she and her husband were strolling through a local fair in Alexandria. Although police
intervened in the street-side fracas, they promptly arrested the victim herself, allegedly to
protect her from her Muslim family.
At 3 p.m. today, Egyptian authorities again sent the young woman back from the local police
station where she was arrested to security police custody. Sources in Alexandria confirmed
again today that SSI officials at the El-Fraana police headquarters have subjected El-Sayed to
severe torture, including electrocution of sensitive parts of her body.