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 La dernière de Mgr Williamson

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

La dernière de Mgr Williamson Empty
MessageSujet: La dernière de Mgr Williamson   La dernière de Mgr Williamson EmptyLun 7 Juil - 22:49

Citation :
Carrot Again
Eleison Comments LIII

So it looks as though I guessed right last week. On the one hand the Society of St. Pius X did not comply with the June 5 “ultimatum” of Cardinal Castrillón as the Cardinal might have wished, replying instead with a letter of Archbishop Lefebvre to Pope Paul VI in which in 1975 the Archbishop explained why he was defending Tradition, yet with no disrespect intended towards the Church authorities in Rome. Once again, the Society may have raised a few anxieties, but it has not “given away the store”

On the other hand, the Cardinal did not proceed to any further official exorcism of the Society, but – reportedly – declared that he had never intended his text of June 5 to be an “ultimatum”. And so the situation returns to where it was before. I think we may expect the loving son to continue to try to get close to his leprous mother, the leprous mother to continue to try to hug him, the loving son to continue to jump back, then try to get close again, etc, etc.

What confusion! A distinguished Italian journalist cannot understand the Society’s rejecting Rome’s “generous advances”. Reportedly Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Castrillón have both been sincerely hurt by recent statements coming from the Society about Rome or Romans suffering from leprosy. “What? Lepers? Us???” Ay, there’s the rub, as Hamlet said. Leprosy is an Old Testament figure of heresy, and Vatican II is not only heresy, it is a total new religion.

A Catholic is a Catholic primarily by his faith. He chooses with his mind to adhere to a series of true propositions which are supernatural, i.e. beyond the reach of his merely natural mind. His will is therefore needed to push his mind to submit to these truths above it. But there truths are not kidology. They are revealed by God, transmitted by the Church, and may not be tampered with. Did or did not Vatican II tamper with them? Hamlet again: “That is the question”.

The leader of the Traditional Redemptorists based in the Orkney Islands north of Scotland, who has just led as many of them as will follow him back into the embrace of Conciliar Rome, writes ecstatically of how “sweet” it “tastes” to be once more in “peaceful and undisputed communion” with the Vicar of Christ. Good luck, dear Father, with avoiding the leprosy! But at least you must be giving some consolation to Cardinal Castrillón! What confusion!
Kyrie Eleison.

La Reja, Argentina

Il fallait oser, Mgr Williamson l'a fait. Twisted Evil
Le voilà qu'il compare l'Eglise (qui rappelons-le est sainte) avec une mère lépreuse (the leprous mother) et la FSSPX avec le tendre enfant (the loving son) de la lépreuse.
Et après, Mgr Williamson écrit que la lèpre est une figure de l'hérésie dans l'Ancien Testament. ( Leprosy is an Old Testament figure of heresy)
Et que le Concile Vatican II n'est pas seulement une hérésie mais une religion totalement nouvelle. (Vatican II is not only heresy, it is a total new religion)
Mais évidemment, même après avoir écrit cela, Mgr Williamson tient toujours Ratzinger et Hoyos comme pape et cardinal de l'Eglise Catholique.
Avouez qu'il y a de quoi se flinguer ! Evil or Very Mad

Et après, c'est ce même Mgr Williamson qui écrit : "What a confusion"... Laughing

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