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 Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes Empty
MessageSujet: Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes   Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes EmptyLun 19 Fév - 23:45

LONDRES, 19 fév 2007 (AFP) - Propositions pour une réunion des Eglises catholique et anglicane (presse)

Des propositions pour une réunion des Eglises catholique et anglicane, sous la direction spirituelle du pape, seront publiées cette année, rapporte lundi le quotidien britannique The Times.

Ces propositions ont été formulées par la Commission internationale anglicane-catholique pour l'unité et la mission et ont été approuvées par des évêques haut placés dans les deux Eglises, affirme le Times.

Intitulé "Grandir ensemble dans l'unité et la mission", le rapport de 42 pages que s'est procuré le journal, note qu'il existe une "communion imparfaite" entre les deux Eglises, mais qu'il y a suffisamment d'intérêts communs pour un "appel à l'action".

Le document, auquel le Vatican s'apprêterait à donner une réponse formelle, selon le Times, suggère aussi que des "protocoles" spéciaux soient mis en place pour favoriser le mouvement de membres du clergé d'une Eglise vers l'autre.

La commission a été créée en 2000 pour trouver une voie vers l'unité et est co-présidée par l'évêque anglican sud-africain David Beetge et l'archevêque catholique australien John Bathersby.

La Communion anglicane revendique 80 millions de fidèles dans plus de 160 pays. L'Eglise catholique compte plus d'un milliard de fidèles dans le monde.

L'Eglise anglicane est née en Angleterre au XVIème siècle d'une scission de l'Eglise catholique, après le refus du pape Clément VII d'annuler le mariage du roi Henri VIII et de Catherine d'Aragon.


Et Apostolicæ Curæ ??? Shocked Rolling Eyes

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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes   Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes EmptyMer 21 Fév - 23:04

Du site américain Traditio :

Newchurch Forwards Plans to Unite with Protestant Heretics

Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes Com0702u

Rowan Williams
Rowan Williams, Heretical Archbishop of Canterbury
Being Touted by a Newvatican-Anglican Commission to Be Co-pope
In a Deal Being Planned by Newchurch and Supported by Ratzinger even as Cardinal

The Newchurch of the New Order is continuing Benedict-Ratzinger's plans to unite with Anglican Protestants, according to a 42-page statement prepared by the International Anglican-Roman Catholic [sic] Commission for Unity and Mission, an "oecumenical" Newvatican-Anglican commission of Anglicans and Newchurchers, co-chaired by Anglican Bishop David Beetge, of South Africa. The statement, leaked to The London Times, is before Newvatican. There may be a fly in the ointment, however.

Large numbers of traditional Anglican churches, ministers, and bishops at the Anglican Communion meeting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, are planning to split from the Anglican Church over that sect's ordination of ministresses, bishopesses, and "gay" bishop Gene Robinson in the United States. Seven traditional Anglican Primates have refused to share communion with the liberalists. However, Benedict-Ratzinger's approval of "Gay" Messes in London under the sponsorship of his Primate, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, may pave the way for Newchurch's uniting with the liberalist Anglicans in that sect under the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.

The joint statement recommends the movement of clergy from one sect to the other, common teaching resources for children in Sunday schools, and attendance at each other's [invalid] services, and prayer at the Novus Ordo Mess for the heretical Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams. Williams supports a "liberal interpretation" of Scripture in favor of "gayness." Benedict-Ratzinger has already "gone Protestant" by ignoring the prescriptions of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition on the requirement of celibacy for true priests. He has opened a back door for Anglican ministers to join the New Order in their married state. [Source: London Times]
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Nombre de messages : 855
Date d'inscription : 25/08/2006

Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes   Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes EmptyMer 21 Fév - 23:06

Les derniers faits d'armes du primat d'Angleterre... Ce n'est pas triste Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Les messes gays sont au programme...

Benedict-Ratzinger's Primate Establishes Regular "Gay" Messes with Newvatican's Approval

Réunion future des Eglises Catholiques et Anglicanes Com0702t

Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
Benedict-Ratzinger's Primate for All England and Wales, Cormac Murphy-O'Connor
Formally Has Approved Regular "Gay" Messes in London, Which He Himself May Perform
With the Explicit Approval of Newpope and His Newvatican
The Messes Are Sponsored by the Lesbian and Gay Christian [sic] Movement
Which Is Campaigning for Newchurch to Endorse Homosexual Acts
God is Gay, They Say, and Heterosexuals Are Not Welcome

Benedict-Ratzinger's Primate has approved the request of the Soho Mass Pastoral Council, a "gay" radical organization that has been actively campaigning to have its services formally recognized by Newchurch, to sponsor a fortnightly "Gay" Mess. And don't say that Benedict-Ratzinger and his Newvatican weren't involved. In fact, Murphy-O'Connor got the official permission of Newpope and his Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome before taking his decision.

Newcardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Newchurch Primate for All England and Wales, has approved the regular "Gay" Messes for his own Westminster diocese. Only "gays" are welcome. Rumor has it that he may personally celebrate the "Gay" Mess. Sources close to Murphy-O'Connor said he was keen to authorize the services in order to be more "inclusive" of the "gay community. "Conservative" Newchurchers in England have pilloried Murphy-O'Connor, charging that by endorsing these services, he has implicitly sanctioned "sacrilegious" Messes and that it will make it far easier for practicing homosexuals to take the Novus Ordo cookie. They also charge that Murphy-O'Connor is establishing a blueprint for other dioceses to follow.

Michael Akerman, of Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, a "conservative" Novus Ordo group said: "Homosexuals can attend their own [New Order] parish church, so having a separate and distinct Mass [sic] looks like they are trying to make a statement." Well, duh! Yet Akerman didn't follow the dictate of Our Lord: "Going forth from thence, shake off the dust from your feet for a testimony to them" (Mark 6:11/DRV). When are these doltish "conservative" Newchurchers going to drop their hypocrisy of supporting Newchurch and Newpope, who reject traditional Catholic morality by their actions? Note carefully that Murphy-O'Connor can't seem to eke out an "Indult" Mass on his polluted altars.

The "Gay" Messes will be performed at Our Lady of the Assumption in London starting March 2007, after the "gay" group has met for the past eight years in an Anglican church in west London. These Messes have been held under the auspices of the Lesbian and Gay Christian [Sic] Movement and are explicitly being used to campaign for a change in the Newchurch's teaching on "gay" sodomy. It sounds as if these "gay" Newchurch radicals aren't particularly wedded to "Catholicism," as Anglicanism is just as good. Their slogan is: God is Gay; Heterosexuals Not Welcome. [Source: UK Telegraph]

Good Catholics, you can take great solace in the fact that the providence of Almighty God has seen fit to ensure that the Novus Ordo service is not a Catholic Mass, but an invalid Mess that serves merely a cookie and grape juice. It is no more a valid Catholic Mass than the services of the Protestants, the prayer-meetings of the Freemasons, or the rites of the pagans.
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